

pyy.web contains useful classes and functions to aid in dealing with the HTTP protocol and serving websites.



pyy.web.cookie allows for easy creation of properly formatted cookies.

The cookie name and value are the only two required fields for its simplest form:

>>> cookie('test', 'cookie')
<pyy.web.cookie.cookie test=cookie; path=/;>

You can also pass any number of the following arguments: * expires - Expiration date (mutually exclusive with duration). * duration - Length of cookie (mutually exclusive with expires). * path - The URL path of the cookie (default: /). * domain - The cookie’s domain. * secure - Whether or not the cookie is secure (default: False). * httponly - If the cookie applies to only HTTP (default: False).

While the string and __repr__ outputs contain the rendered cookie you can also call render() directly which takes an optional is_header boolean.

>>> cookie('test', 'cookie').render()
'test=cookie; path=/;'
>>> cookie('test', 'cookie').render(True)
'Set-Cookie: test=cookie; path=/;'

HTTP Messages

pyy.web.httpmessage contains the classes for the httprequest and httpresponse objects. These two classes hold information on the HTTP requests and the HTTP responses, respectively, that the other modules pass between themselves.


The pyy.web.parsers class contains four functions which aid in parsing common formats of the HTTP protocol into a more friendly and usable format.

  • parse_query(string) - Parses a=b&c=d format into a dictionary. Also supports arrays.
  • parse_semi(string) - Parses a=b; c=d format into a dictionary.
  • parse_user_agent(string) - Parses a user agent string and returns a browser object containing vendor and version.
  • parse_multipart(content_type, data) - Parses multipart encoded form data into a dictionary.


When serving dynamic web applications it is sometimes useful to obfuscate your URLs or simple clean them up to be “pretty”. The resolvers class allows you to create logical rules or patterns for your URLs and have them easily be mapped back to approprite classes.

There are currently two methods of dynamic URL resolving: Regex-based and file heirarchy-based.

Regex-based resolving takes a list of tuples which associate a regular expression to a class. When a request is resolved in this way the tuples are iterated over and the first match is taken and returned.

urls = [
(r’^/photos/’,, (r’^/videos/’, pages.videos),


If a match is not found, an httperror is raised with a 404 code.

You can also use named match groups in your regular expressions to help parse the URL which will be copied into the request’s GET mapping.

urls = [


Here an optional ID can be specified after the /photos/ qualifier and the class can react accordingly.

When you create a directory like the following:
pages/ admin/
you can use corresponding URLs to access those classes:
/ (would match in /home/ (would match /home/page2/ (would match with ‘page2’ put into the request’s GET) /admin/ (would match admin/ /admin/users/ (would match admin/ /admin/other/ (would match admin/ with ‘other’ put into the request’s GET)

In each of those files should be an Index class which is the default one selected in a file. If in the case of the /admin/other/ URL the admin/ file had an Other class it would be the one that was selected.

Developed By

Git repository located at [](


Copyright 2009 Tom Flanagan, Jake Wharton

This file is part of pyy.

pyy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

pyy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with pyy. If not, see <>.